

Digital Video, 30 minutes, 2001

Made with support from C-100, Women in the Director’s Chair, CCCSI, Pitzer College

Released is a series of five shorts featuring Angela Davis, Scarlot Harlot, Christine Ennis, Duran Ruiz and Cheryl Dunye, directed by Enid Baxter Blader, Carol Leigh, Tamika Miller, Duran Ruiz, Joseph Saito, Irwin Swirnoff and Sylvain White produced by Alexandra Juhasz and edited by Enid Baxter Blader. moi!

In “Sheltered” I find that my childhood friend, Christine, once the most-wanted in our county, now recently released from prison, has disappeared.  I find her in a half-way house called “Last Chance” where she was placed after missing a parole date.  Christine describes her harrowing experience with a minimum mandatory, serving time for crimes her teenage boyfriend committed. Christine reveals that she has been forced to perform in pornographic films by a half-way house director.

Released screened in many half-way houses and prisons.  It has also screened at The Directors Guild of America; Los Angeles, CA; Womens’ Liberation Film Series, City College of New York, New York, NY; Pan African Film Festival, Denver, CO; Sex Worker Film Festival, San Francisco, CA; Pitzer College, Claremont, CA; Seattle Film Festival, Seattle, WA; Released, Claremont Forum, Claremont, CA; Image Out Film Festival, Rochester, NY; Prison Breaks, Prince Music Theater, Philadelphia, PA; FrameLine International Film Festival, San Francisco, CA; Awakenings: Los Angeles International Film Festival, Los Angeles, CA; The New Film Festival, New York, NY; Toronto Inside Out Film Festival, Toronto, Canada and Women in the Director’s Chair Film Festival, Chicago, IL

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